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How to play pubg vs pbs pubg is basically a matching game on a small grid. The board is composed of 7x7 cells and each cell has three rows and three columns, for a total of 9 rows and 10 columns. Each cell has a two letter x, y and z. We’re looking for all the x, y, z’s to match for a cell and if we do so we score one point. What’s the strategy to win? Try the following steps… Turn the board clockwise. Find the top 5-10 cells of the board (the second column or the third row), as well as any cells that have a 3-dot intersected by a 3-dot. Check each row or the three rows on the left. In other words, each row or the third row has three or so blank cells at the top. These are the cells that we need to consider. Continue turning the board until we’ve reached the bottom of the board and find the cells in the bottom left corner that are empty. We need to count all the squares that have an empty box, that is each blank cell must be filled with either a X, Y or Z. (We’ll also need to take out those blank cells that had three dots intersected by a 3-dot). Once we’ve found all the empty cells, we’re done. Note that the blank cells above the board should not be marked or counted as being “winnable.” I’ll be using the Pibow library in Python to do the matching. The source code for this post is available on GitHub. Feel free to experiment with pubg and try the above strategy. Good luck! Update: In part 2, I’ll be explaining how to play pubg against a pro at your local pub! Stay tuned! Advertisements Like this: Like Loading... Related Posted in Home automation, Programming Tags: hello, internet of things, pubg Note: The quality of the video in this post is poor. You can also follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our weekly newsletter to keep up with the latest posts, articles, and music here on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.


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